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A Guide to Guyanese Cuisine

Check out this article for some scrumptious Guyanese dishes that are sure to excite your taste buds and bring a smile to your face.

I grew up eating a variety of cuisines from my culture because both of my parents are from Guyana and fortunately, I was not a picky eater as a child. Although I was born and raised in Canada, I am proud to be Guyanese. Eating these dishes helps me connect with my culture and the upbringing of my parents, and they are also very delicious. For these reasons, I want to share them with you so you can discover new delicious foods and learn more about Guyanese culture. 


My oh my, my mouth is already watering just thinking about this dish. Infused with cinnamon, clove, thyme, and wiri wiri peppers, pepperpot is a delicious meat-based stew that is rich with braised beef. On Christmas morning, Guyanese plait bread and pepperpot are typically served for breakfast. I usually only get to eat this dish once a year, which makes it even more special.   Below I have provided multiple recipes, so you can choose from a variety to see one you like best, or which one is easiest to follow!

Guyanese Pepper pot  Recipe

Guyanese Pepperpot

Guyanese Pepper Pot| Recipe 

Black Cake

Black cake is a popular Christmas treat in Guyana and several other Caribbean countries. Nuts, dried fruits, and rum are all used to make this rich cake, which also helps to keep the cake moist. To make the cake without alcohol, though, I've provided the recipe below. This cake will make you fall in love, and even if the ingredients might sound strange when combined, trust me—amazing!

Black Cake (Caribbean Rum Soaked Fruit Cake)

Guyanese Black Cake | Non-Alcohol

Coconut Buns

Although I prefer my coconut buns without cherries, this post sums up the background information and provides the ideal recipe. I thus strongly advise you to try this recipe. These buns will change your life, can bring comfort and family and friends together, and everyone knows these buns taste better with freshly grated coconut, so if you can get your hands on some, you'll be in for a treat!

Guyanese Coconut Buns

Custard Block

The day that altered my life was when my mother made this delectable dessert for me, and she now regrets it. Since that time, I've always pleaded with her to make it, especially in the summer. It's such a tasty treat, especially on a hot day, but to be honest, it's enjoyable all year round. This dish had a texture that was closer to that of a block of ice than ice cream. When it finally melted, it was mushy, creamy, and completely irresistible, but it took an extremely long time. You could make this in a variety of methods and shapes, including popsicle molds, ice cube trays (which are my favourite kind), and a variety of other inventive ways. I highly recommend you try making this dessert, as it's really good, and it's effortless to make.

Custard Block: A Guyanese Frozen Treat

Chicken Foot

Okay, I know you're probably wondering what's wrong with me and why I'm recommending chicken foot, but trust me, it's not what it sounds like. I'm not sure why the name was chosen as there's no chicken in it. The only reason I can think of is that the strips come out in a range of sizes and shapes, possibly like skinny chicken legs. In Guyana, though, this is a popular snack. These are fried strips made from a delicious batter with flour, curry, and cumin. 

Sal Sev Recipe | Guyanese Chicken Foot

However, I hope you found something you enjoyed and found it intriguing enough to try making it so that you can learn and experience more food from my culture!