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Reasons to volunteer on campus

It is National Volunteer Week! Thank you to all of the volunteers who make our Ontario Tech community a great one!

In honour of National Volunteer Week, I thought I would talk about why I chose to volunteer on campus and why it made my Ontario Tech experience a great one.

To give back

When I was an incoming student, I was truly in awe of the peer leaders on campus. They were knowledgeable, friendly, kind, and so much more. After my own orientation, I thought to myself that I definitely wanted to pay it forward and help other incoming students feel at ease, the same way my peer leaders helped me. It was so rewarding to become a peer leader and then a senior peer leader to aid in the mentorship process.

To network and make connections

Naturally, I found it easiest to make friends with people in my program. However, volunteering through various Student Life initiatives allowed me to network with students in different faculties. This was enriching to learn about different programs, workloads, interests, etc.

By volunteering with the Digital Community I got to collaborate with students and staff of various backgrounds. This experience and being able to network was a stepping stone to applying through the University Works program to work as a Digital Community Assistant.

To enhance your skills

I didn’t realize how much volunteering would positively enhance my skill set. For example, I’m not particularly fond of public speaking or presentations but I was given so many opportunities to build my confidence and improve. Volunteering is truly a team effort, and I was able to collaborate, problem-solve, enhance my communication skills, and so much more. All of the skills and experiences I gained as a volunteer were great to mention in job interviews and have continued to help me to this day.

Overall, volunteering on campus only brought value to my student experience. I encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a volunteer on campus to do it! It was truly one of the highlights of my undergraduate experience. Even after graduating I can’t help but continue to come back to the Digital Community to see what our amazing content creators (who graciously volunteer their time to write articles) are up to.

Thank you, volunteers!

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