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When you are tired, learn to rest, not quit

Tough times don’t last; tough people do

For when you forget these strengths of yours, remember that…

Life gets tough. You feel like quitting; you want to scream, shout, and get away from it all. Don’t. This time you are going through is simply a test, and you can get through it. You are stronger than you believe, and I know circumstances may have caused you to think otherwise, but please, let’s remember who you are and how tough you are.

For when you forget these strengths of yours, remember that…

This is temporary

This time that you are going through won’t last. Think back to every obstacle that you overcame and remind yourself that you endured it and came out as a stronger you. You persevered, didn’t quit, and will do the same as you always have, remind yourself of this.


Write down your thoughts

Don't allow your racing thoughts and anxiety to crowd your mind. Take a pen and paper and write down everything that is bothering you. Then begin to circle things that you can control. Take a look at these items and consider what you might start doing now to work toward improving yourself. For things you can't control, understand that they shouldn't have power over your direction and vision. The power rests within you, what you can hold, what you can do now, and that will make all the difference in your development.

We are so busy in the race of life that sometimes we can't understand that our mind has quit long before we have. We need to rest and recharge. Take out some time from your day to do nothing. My time during these moments involves:

  • Sitting down under the shade of a tree.
  • Watching the wind blow the leaves.
  • Just breathing.

I remind myself that I am here right now, I am doing okay and safe, and I will figure it out as I ALWAYS do. 

Do things that make you happy

When we schedule our time, we want to be as productive as possible. That's great but at the expense of abandoning activities that bring you joy? I think not. Please try not to sway away from things that bring you joy and do things that remind you of how great it feels to be alive. Whether that hobby is gardening, dressing up, dressing down and watching Netflix, colouring, singing, dancing etc. do it all. I personally love dancing-I even created a YouTube channel to showcase my love for dance. If you wish to be inspired, check it out!  But understand that this is just an example of doing things that I love and no matter how hard life gets, I still make time here and there to record and upload these videos.

Learn to rest, not quit

You have made it this far in the journey through life. I can only imagine the amazing things you will do and the greatness you will bring into this world. We need you, and the world needs you. You are here to serve a greater purpose, and for that reason, we all need you to learn to rest and not quit. We all get tired, exhausted and burnt out. But that doesn't mean we simply stop engaging in the things that bring us joy and stray away from them. We learn to understand our limits, work around them, take the time we need to recharge and go back at it again and again and again. That, my friends, is a warrior's skill, and that is what you are. Now, the next time you feel down, come back to this blog post and read it as many times as you need to remind yourself to rest and not quit. You got this!