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How to study when you aren't motivated

Techniques for enlivening your study routine so that you feel motivated

We all have days when we feel unmotivated and must push ourselves to work on assignments or study. Consistency is a significant factor that contributes to success. Doing a bit daily is more productive and less stressful than doing everything at once. Here are a few things you can do the next time you feel yourself procrastinating.

The 5- Minute Trick

Set a timer for 5 minutes and try working on the task with no distractions. Chances are that you will continue what you were doing by the end of the 5 minutes. At times, getting started is the most challenging part.

Change Your Environment

Figure out which environment you work best in. If you are studying at home, keep your space organized and comfy. A messy desk is less inviting than a neatly arranged one. Feel free to add some décor to your study space and make it your own. If studying at home does not work, try looking in the library or a café.

Studying With a Friend

Need to review a topic for class? Why not grab a friend and turn it into a fun study session? You will have some company and be able to share ideas about the concepts more efficiently, and you could also quiz each other. However, be sure not to get off task too much ;).

Break it Down   

Break the studying/ assignment down into parts. This way, it seems less daunting and stressful. The pressure of having to finish it all at once is also relieved.

Make a Schedule

Use a planner and a detailed day-to-day agenda to keep track of all your upcoming due dates. Specify what and how much you would like to achieve each day. When you get a new deadline, put it into your planner. This way, you are always aware of what you should be working on.

Happy Studying!