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5 Tips to Make Running More Enjoyable

I love running, and these tips have made it even more enjoyable!

Whether you are new to running, have a long-standing love for running or are still in the "I want to love this but I'm not sure yet" phase, here are five tips that can make your running experience better!

A Cute Fit

I never felt like running when wearing the same dull, boring clothing patterns. When I finally invested in some fun colours, I put on the outfit and went for a 5 - 10 km run! Gymshark offers good quality fitness outfits. They are a little pricey, but the material lasts, so it is a good investment. 

A Playlist 

I don't listen to music! I listen to speeches. I know it sounds lame. But trust me hearing wise words from the most outstanding leaders of the world who have achieved great things in their fields with some loud, rhythmic music hits the spot! I listen to Oprah, David Goggins, Tony Robbins, and Jordan Peterson. Listening to them allows me to reflect on myself and meet myself on a deeper level, so I don't think about running or feel like I'm doing something difficult.

On the other hand, when I listen to music, I get bored with the lyrics, and when the chorus hits, my mind starts to wander. I am continuously reminded that I am running as thoughts like "I am out of breath, my leg hurts, I'm thirsty" flood my head. Do you see how this can become problematic? For these reasons, I listen to motivational speeches and recommend you do the same. 

A Running Belt

I often could not run long distances because I would become dehydrated. Therefore, I decided to invest in a running belt on which I can easily and comfortably carry water and my phone. The belt wraps around my waist remains in place and does not restrict my athletic ability. Here's a link to one you can purchase on Amazon. 

Running Shoes

A good pair of running shoes is essential to run well and prevent injury. There was a time that I didn't take this advice seriously; I used to ignore this advice and ended up with blisters, ankle discomfort, and bleeding feet! Avoid this; invest in some good shoes!


This is a controversial tip, as many people have said you can choke and/or swallow the gum. However, gum aids with my breathing?! At least, I believe it does since I can run longer while chewing it than when I am not. It also helps preserve moisture in your mouth as you run. Breathing in and out and rapid breathing can cause your mouth to dry up and make your running experience less enjoyable.