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ACE in the race: Ontario Tech announces partnership with FEL Motorsports

Through the Automotive Centre of Excellence, Ontario Tech is a major sponsor of the FEL Cup Canada (FCC) presented by Michelin for Radical racecars. ACE will also play a role in the FEL Sports Car Championship Canada by offering R&D vehicle-testing time for the series champions in its renowned Climatic Wind Tunnel.

As ACE at Ontario Tech University begins its second decade as Canada’s key core research and development facility for proof-of-concept exploration in transportation, energy, motorsports and more, the influential solutions provider is green-flagging an exciting new partnership.

Through the Automotive Centre of Excellence, Ontario Tech is a major sponsor of the FEL Cup Canada (FCC) presented by Michelin for Radical racecars. ACE will also play a role in the FEL Sports Car Championship Canada by offering R&D vehicle-testing time for the series champions in its renowned Climatic Wind Tunnel.

The university’s relationship with the FCC is a shared mission to help Ontario Tech students gain hands-on practical experiences through internships and co-op placements with series sponsors and manufacturers. FEL Motorsports will also support student recruitment both at and away from the racetrack. Racing fans and the industry will see Ontario Tech University logos on all cars.

ACE profile feature on TSN

In auto racing, a fraction of a second can be a lifetime. Finding ways to improve vehicle performance through research can make the difference in a team taking the coveted checkered flag or reaching the podium. ACE’s deep roots in motorsports R&D combined with Ontario Tech’s Automotive Engineering research expertise offers the ideal testing environment and precise experimental simulation.

FEL Cup Canada broadcaster TSN will air a segment during the televised FEL series races to profile the incredible research capabilities of the ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel at Ontario Tech. The feature will also appear during FEL Cup Canada broadcasts on Réseau des sports (RDS, the French-language counterpart to TSN) as well as the MAVTV motorsports network in the United States.

Did you know?
  • Ontario Tech’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) offers Canada’s only fully accredited standalone undergraduate program in Automotive Engineering. It also delivers Master of Applied Science and Master of Engineering programs in Automotive Engineering through Ontario Tech’s School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
  • Students at Ontario Tech learn new approaches to problem solving along with innovative and ethical uses of technology. Learner-centred hands-on experiences are a key component of degree programs. The university has a strong track record for teaming with industry, community, government and academic partners, and connecting researchers and students to find answers to pressing questions.
  • Ontario Tech Racing is a student club based out of FEAS that empowers students with the enriching, hands-on learning experience of designing, budgeting, funding and building a Formula-style electric racecar. The club’s student design-team members cultivate innovation and embrace the multidisciplinary challenges faced by professional motorsport teams.

“Ontario Tech University is very excited to partner with FEL Motorsports and to extend more experiential learning opportunities for our students. Bringing together motorsports with the university’s high-tech ACE testing facility offers series champions a unique experience that will help them to further advance their racing capabilities.”
- Susan T. McGovern, Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, Ontario Tech University

“When Ontario Tech University was first mentioned to us, we were excited right away. With the university and ACE located just down the road from the Canadian Tire Motorsports Park, it immediately made sense to us. It’s no secret that the automotive industry is extremely high tech these days and motorsports takes that tech to a whole new level. We could not be more proud and excited to begin our new relationship with Ontario Tech and ACE and see where we can support them.”
- Chris Bye, FEL Motorsports President 

  “We believe entering into the partnership with Ontario Tech University and the Automotive Centre of Excellence is a reflection of our original mission: to drive the engagement and excitement in Canadian motorsports and reinvest in the motorsports community in Canada. It’s important to us at FEL Motorsports to cultivate passion in motorsports for all ages.”
- Jessica Benevides , FEL Series Manager

About Ontario Tech University

A modern, forwarding-thinking university, Ontario Tech advances the discovery and application of knowledge to accelerate economic growth, regional development and social innovation. We inspire and equip our students and our graduates to make a positive impact in a tech-focused world. For us, it’s not only about developing the next tech breakthrough. Understanding and integrating the social and ethical implications of technology differentiates us as university.

ACE is a world-class R&D facility with experienced engineers and technicians who deliver solutions to any product development or testing problem. The climatic wind tunnel can recreate any weather condition a test object will experience—from the blistering heat in Death Valley to the frigid conditions in the Arctic as well as crosswinds and wind speeds up to 280 km/h.

Learn more at and

About FEL

FEL is a learning and promotion company serving the North American automotive sector since 1986. FEL service solutions bring automotive products and the market into sharper focus for sales, press and consumer audiences. The FEL head office is located in St. Catharines, Ontario.

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