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Wesley Crichlow, PhD

Critical Race Intersectional Theorist

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
Dr. Wesley Crichlow's work dovetails at the intersection of Critical Race Theory Intersectionality, Decoloniality, Enslavism, Anti-Black Racism and Black Same Gender Loving, Queer, Trans, and Non-Binary Embodiment and Scholarship, and advances a critical epistemological perspective connecting these theories as his signature praxis and framing for his research, teaching and service. At the center of Dr. Crichlow's work, he asks what it means to be free, what it means to be human and how humanness can be recognized. Dr. Crichlow's work also aims to alleviate LGBTQI+ hegemonic racisms, misogynoir, the logics of anti-Black racisms and racial colonial violence, heterocisnormativity, transmisogyny, structural, and systemic inequalities, as a humanizing epistemology.

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