Igor Pioro, PhD
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Dr. Pioro is a world-leading thermal physics expert developing new methods to enhance thermal efficiency of next generation nuclear power plants. His research areas include nuclear engineering, thermal sciences and heat engineering.
Full biography
Electricity is one of the world’s most vital resources; it powers industry, moves agriculture and enhances society’s standard of living. Globally, a race is underway to develop the cleanest, most energy-efficient and sustainable sources of electrical-power generation. A life’s work, Igor Pioro, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Dean in the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, is exploring ways to improve the thermal efficiencies of nuclear power as the key energy for future generations. Founding Editor of the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Dr. Pioro’s co-authored paper Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Generation comprises an extensive study on the current and future status of global electrical-power generation. Working within the areas of supercritical pressures/fluids and participating in the development of Canada’s next-generation SuperCritical Water-Cooled Reactor (SCWR) concept, Dr. Pioro has co-authored the world’s first and most comprehensive review on Heat Transfer and Hydraulic Resistance at Supercritical Pressures in Power Engineering Applications. In collaboration with his students, Dr. Pioro has devised the world’s most accurate empirical heat-transfer correlation to calculate heat transfer to supercritical water flowing in a bare tube. Using this correlation, he is examining how efficiently a reactor’s fuel rod will be cooled with water, and his goal is to increase the water temperature inside a reactor and bolster thermal efficiency, thus generating more electricity and reducing wasted energy. Throughout his esteemed career, Dr. Pioro has been named Fellow of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Engineering Institute of Canada, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has authored/co-authored more than 425 publications, including nine technical books, and received 26 patents for his inventions. He joined Ontario Tech University in September 2006 as associate professor and served as director of the Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program from 2008 to 2013. He was appointed professor in 2011; and associate dean of the faculty in 2013. Previously, he spent six years as a senior scientist in the Thermalhydraulics Branch of Chalk River Laboratories (CRL) Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., and was a research associate and part-time professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Ottawa between 1992 and 2000.
Areas of expertise
- NUCL 2010UThermodynamic CyclesA study of the basic concepts involved in thermodynamics, including: nature of thermodynamics; First Law of Thermodynamics; Second Law of Thermodynamics; properties and behaviour of pure substances; ideal gases and mixtures; equation of state for a perfect gas; Carnot and Rankine Cycles; thermodynamic efficiency; steam tables and charts; superheating and reheating; regenerative feedwater heating; conventional and nuclear steam cycles; heat exchanger thermal balance; steam turbine expansion lines; and steam generator thermal characteristics.
- MECE/NUCL 3930UHeat TransferIntroduction to conduction, convection and radiation. Solutions to steady-state and transient conduction problems. Heat conduction across contact surfaces and cylindrical walls. Heat generation in conduction. Solutions to convection problems for laminar and for turbulent flows. Forced and natural convection. Boiling and condensing heat transfer. Two phase flow in a channel. Critical heat flux. Heat exchangers, and heat exchanger effectiveness and operational characteristics.
- NUCL 4460UNuclear Power SystemsPrinciples of fission; nuclear fuels; thermal and fast reactors; converters and breeders; light water reactors; heavy water reactors, gas cooled reactors; direct and indirect cycle nuclear plants; unit control strategies; nuclear plant safety; fuel cycles; plant decommissioning; waste management; environmental effects; life-cycle costs. Principles of fusion reactors; experimental fusion facilities.
- NUCL 5250GPower Plant ThermodynamicsThis course presents the theoretical and practical analysis of the following, with particular reference to CANDU plants. Thermodynamic Cycles: nuclear versus conventional steam cycles, regenerative feedwater heating, moisture separation and reheating, turbine expansion lines, heat balance diagrams, available energy, cycle efficiency and exergy analysis; Nuclear Heat Removal: heat conduction and convection in fuel rods and heat exchanger tubes, heat transfer in boilers and condensers, boiler influence on heat transport system, boiler swelling and shrinking, boiler level control, condenser performance; and Steam Turbine Operation: turbine configuration, impulse and reaction blading, blade velocity diagrams, turbine seals and sealing systems, moisture in turbines, part load operation, back pressure effects, thermal effects and turbine governing.
- 1992Doctor of Technical Sciences - Thermal PhysicsInstitute of Engineering Thermophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
- 1983PhD - Thermal PhysicsInstitute of Engineering Thermophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
- 1979MASc - Thermal Physics (Diploma of Honour)Kiev Polytechnic Institute, National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine
Media appearances
- Ontario Tech University online October 6, 2013Ontario Tech University Professor Dr. Igor Pioro receives honorary doctorate in UkraineThe Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS) proudly salutes Dr. Igor Pioro, Professor, Associate Dean and Director of the Graduate Program upon receiving an honorary doctorate from the National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Pioro was presented with the distinction on June 3 in Kiev, Ukraine.
- National Technical University of Ukraine online March 6, 2013The Leading Professor of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Igor Pioro became an honorary doctor of NTUU "KPIAt the meeting of the Academic Council the first associate provost of the University academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yuriy Yakymenko handed a diploma, gown and memorable sign of Honorary Doctor of NTUU "KPI" to Igor Leonardovich Pioro who is a Professor of the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science of Ontario Tech University (Canada). Dr. Pioro has long-standing and strong relationships with NTUU "KPI".
- Ontario Tech University online February 4, 2012Ontario Tech University nuclear engineer receives international honourOntario Tech University proudly announces that Dr. Igor Pioro, professor and director of the Graduate Program, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science has been inducted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) as a Fellow. The recognition of Dr. Pioro as a Fellow represents the highest grade of membership within ASME, which promotes the art, science and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the world. Only 2.5 per cent of ASME’s international membership has been awarded a Fellowship.
Speaking Engagements
- Chiba, Japan December 31, 1969Innovative Approach to Correlate Heat Transfer Data to SuperCritical CO2 Flowing Upward in a Bare Tube in Forced Convection Regime23rd International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 23)
- Prague, Czech Republic November 7, 2014Chair and Panelist, National Future Energy Strategy, Nuclear Energy Strategic Plan, and Nuclear Power Basis for Future Energy Production in the World as22rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 22)
- Campinas, Brazil August 12, 2013Specifics of Thermophysical Properties and Heat Transfer at Supercritical PressuresWorkshop on Supercritical Fluids and Energy (SFE'13)
- Xi'an, China December 31, 1969Chair, Plenary Session, Nuclear Power Reactors and Fuel Cycle/Uranium SupplyBIT's 3rd New Energy Forum 2013
- Bled, Slovenia December 9, 2013Keynote Lecture: Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Production in the World22nd International Conference on Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE) September, 2013
- Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Engineering Institute of Canada
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Canadian Nuclear Society
- Professional Engineers Ontario
- American Nuclear Society