Ahmad Barari, PhD
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Integrating data in the design, manufacturing and inspection of products across a digital platform.
Full biography
Industries face enormous challenges in manufacturing products efficiently and accurately. Poor quality control impedes production since good parts are often rejected while bad parts are accepted, which generates excessive waste and leads to lost revenue. Ahmad Barari, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Automotive, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science, leads a critical research program focused on improving manufacturing accuracy and quality control. Additive manufacturing or 3D printing, as it’s commonly known, is rapidly gaining ground in the design and manufacture of products where precision is paramount. This core research area aims to improve accuracy in the pre-processing, processing and post-processing of 3D printing parts through Precision Additive Manufacturing (PAM). This allows parts to be revised during design, creating a more efficient process. For example, PAM can be used to develop lighter and more energy-efficient vehicle parts, while producing less waste. Dr. Barari’s other major research area examines coordinate metrology and inspection. Typically, a manufactured part contains errors in the physical characteristics preventing the exact desired shape. Co-ordinate metrology is the geometric measurement of complex shapes of parts, and subsequently using the results to improve quality control. This information can also be used to compensate for manufacturing errors for process control. In 2005, Dr. Barari joined Ontario Tech University as a Lecturer. He received an Ontario Tech University Teaching Excellence Award in 2009. In 2010, he became an Assistant Professor. During his tenure he has developed 15 undergraduate courses. Previously, he was appointed a visiting researcher with the National Research Council of Canada’s Integrated Manufacturing Technology Institute in London, and a research engineering and manufacturing advisor at Tehran Scientific and Industrial Services in Tehran, Iran. Inspired by the emerging role of computer-aided design in manufacturing, Dr. Barari earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Amirkabir University of Technology in 1995, and in 1997, completed his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, both in Tehran. He moved to Canada in 2001, and in 2006, he obtained his Doctor of Philosophy from the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario.
Areas of expertise
- AUTE 4060UAutomotive Structural DesignThis course focuses on design, analysis and manufacture of vehicle structure. Students will learn about the fundamental design aspect in different categories of vehicles and practice design procedures useful for different vehicle structures. The various manufacturing and assembly techniques used in production of the vehicle structure will be introduced. The course contents include a review of fundamental vehicle loads and their estimation, terminology and overview of vehicle structure types including Body-On-Chassis, Ladder Frame, Grillage Frame, Backbone, Monocoque, Space frame, unitary body structures, torsion and bending stiffness, Stiffness optimization, fatigue analysis, Design and analysis of body subassemblies and model variants, sizing of sections and joints, Engineering Materials and their incorporation into vehicle design, Material property charts, Material selection, Auto body design, Crashworthiness and its influence on vehicle design.
- ENGR1025UEngineering DesignA project-based introduction to the engineering design process, computer-aided drafting, and the use of design tools and software packages for engineering design. Open-ended design-build projects by individuals and groups and written and oral technical communications. Basics of project management including organizing, planning, scheduling, controlling, and application of spreadsheets and project management software.
- MECE 2310UConcurrent Engineering and DesignThis course covers the modern integrated product development process. Unlike the traditional product development approach, concurrent (simultaneous) engineering and design reunites technical and nontechnical disciplines and brings forward a philosophy of cross-functional cooperation in order to create products which meet pre-determined objectives, and are better, less expensive, and more quickly brought to market. It is a process in which appropriate disciplines are committed to work interactively to analyze market and customer requirements in order to improve the end-to-end process by which products are conceived, designed, manufactured, assembled, sold to the customer, serviced, and finally disposed of. The concept of design is presented. Brainstorming, creativity methods, design for manufacturing, design for assembly, design for cost, and design for quality, life cycle design, reverse engineering, and rapid prototyping are addressed. Teamwork and communication skills are developed.
- MECE 3320UFluid Power SystemsThe course reviews relevant fluid mechanics principles and proceeds with treatments of individual components. Components analyzed include: pumps, actuators, lines, valves and other related components. Discussions of individual components include: principles of operation, mathematical models, and design considerations. Analysis and design of fluid power systems used in industrial and processing equipment. Selected topics to include: positive displacement components, control devices, actuators, fluid transmission and system dynamics.
- MANE 4110UDesign for ManufacturingThis course covers the principles of design for manufacturing and production. Methodologies to enhance awareness of the manufacturing and manufacturability requirements during different stages of the design process. Use of inherent cost and benefits available in the manufacturing processes is studied. Design principles and guidelines for variety of typical manufacturing processes, assembly, disassembly and the role of design for manufacturing in concurrent engineering platform is cover.
- MECE 4210UAdvanced Solid Mechanics and Stress AnalysisThree-dimensional stress and strain analysis; strain energy methods for deflection; asymmetric and curved beams; bending, torsion and shear centers; beams on elastic foundations; thick cylinders; buckling and elastic stability; flat plates.
- 2006PhD in Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Western Ontario
- 1997MSc in Mechanical EngineeringSharif University of Technology
- 1995BSc in Mechanical EngineeringAmirkabir University of Technology
Media appearances
- Ontario Tech University News December 31, 1969Federal funding supports UOIT Engineering and Science researchFour researchers at Ontario Tech University were awarded nearly $280,000 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) to engage in leading-edge research and training of undergraduate and graduate students.
- Ontario Tech University News December 31, 1969Ontario Tech University student team takes checkered flag at OCE Discovery ShowcaseOntario Tech University Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) team has won top honours in the province at the prestigious 2010 Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Discovery Showcase held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
- University of Technology of Troyes, France December 31, 1969Workshop Chair8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing, Modelling, Management & Control
- University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran December 31, 1969A Review on Geometric Tolerances and Surface Integrity in Additive Manufacturing ProductsInvited Lecture, Faculty of Engineering
- Ottawa, Ontario November 5, 2015Workshop on Additive Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015)
- Beijing, China May 8, 2013Analysis of Nonlinear Oscillation of Circular Curved Carbon NanotubeThe 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology
- Montreal, Quebec December 31, 1969Analytical Solution for Nonlinear Vibration of Sinusoidal Curved Carbon Nanotube4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (CanCNSM2013)
- San Diego, California December 31, 1969Comparing the Uncertainty of Coordinate Metrology as a Function of Sampling Strategy in Optical and Tactile Inspection SystemsThe 29th Coordinate Metrology Systems Conference (CMSC)
- University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy December 31, 1969Minimizing Bone Removal Based on Humeral Implant Alignment in Total Elbow ArthroplastyInternational CAD Conference, CAD'13
- University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy December 31, 1969Substituting Simple Structural Beam-Frame Substructures with Equivalent Beam-Plate CombinationsInternational CAD Conference, CAD'13
- Coordinate Metrology Society
- American Society for Precision Engineering
- Professional Engineers of Ontario
- American Society of Mechanical Engineering